
X3 reunion fires when undocking
X3 reunion fires when undocking

once they get relatively close to their target the warhead splits apart into six smaller and more maneuverable missiles, which then independently home in on their target. I fire off most of my remaining Poltergeist missiles, one for each enemy fighter, then turn my ship around and fly the hell away. Luckily, I have a plan: ‘He who screams and runs away lives to run another day.’ With seven of them against one of me letting them close in would be suicide, as focusing on any one of them would allow the other six to swing right up behind me and fire away. One on one they could be fairly dangerous.

x3 reunion fires when undocking

The only thing an Interceptor has the advantage of is speed and maneuverability. My M4 patrol fighter has more shielding and hull strength, as well as more weapon mounts even though I haven’t managed to purchase more yet.My fighter’s larger hull size also means it has a much larger cargo bay, so I can carry more gear and expendable munitions. They’re all M5’s so individually they wouldn’t be more than a nuisance. Three Xenon M’s and three assorted pirate ships including the one I followed to the station. COnsider how much it takes to repair an M6 at about 3 percent hull, then consider the fact that the Station was selling SETA drives for about 252cr each. I think I remember roughly where their HQ is located, but I'll need at least a very well equipped M6 to take it out and during the time it'll take me to get that set up they'll be steadily increasing their economic and military assets.Īs for the SETA/manual repairs exploit, at the time I had all of my ships docked at the same Supply station. It doesn't report their military assets, but they're already up to 6 universal traders and have current liquid assets worth around 3mil Cr.

x3 reunion fires when undocking

I've not been posting them, but I'm getting regular earnings reports from TandiTech.

#X3 reunion fires when undocking free

I've got the money to buy the goodies I want well before I've got the rep with any of the factions needed to buy them.Īs for lost E-Cell profits, I much prefer the basically free Jump fuel it provides, as well as how much simpler it makes closed loop complexes. On the other hand I've barely gotten started and I've already generated just over 5 mil cr.

X3 reunion fires when undocking